Mangemangeroa Walkway Extension, Pohutukawa Avenue, Shelly Park, Howick
Auckland Council recently undertook a project to extend an existing walkway in front of 14 residential properties along a river bank to provide a link to the coast.
From the outset there was strong opposition to the proposal from the majority of the residents who historically had maintained the esplanade reserve fronting their properties incorporating the land into their own individual gardens.
The work involved the construction of a narrow way finding route using a mix of compacted aggregate and stabilised turf, with way finding bollards installed at strategic points to assist the pubic in identifying the public space. Gabion baskets were also installed on one section of the route to retain a eroding section of the bank.
With initial tendering of the project returning no offers of service, Jesmond Construction were approached and a contract entered into for the works.
Given the level of opposition from local residents, Jesmond embarked on an extensive relationship building exercise, approaching all property owners prior to commencing construction.
Through Jesmond‘s efforts it is fair to say not one negative comment was received by council with several properly owners reporting their satisfaction as to how the works were undertaken.
The works were completed on time within the agreed budget.
Council has no hesitation in recommending this company for similar projects particularly where community relationships are sensitive.